Tonight I Will Dream of the Hoosac Tunnel
The Bloody Pit.
West Portal sits next to rock filled landslide
Falling down mountainsides gracefully,
Spits out glacial water
Into torrents dug into the gravel.
Stream leading all the way to her gaping mouth
Where she waits for me to ask her for her secrets
And breathe in her cool, mystic wind.
Hoosac Tunnel, I heard it is perpetually winter in your depths.
I heard you killed over two hundred men.
I heard you can still hear them scream.
Is it true, Hoosac Tunnel, is it true?
I can feel her pulse, her rattle
Vibrating off the stone,
Pulling me into the blackness,
As she attempts to show me what she knows,
To show me the men she chewed and swallowed,
In the belly of the beast,
In the very womb of mother mountain.
I’m frightened,
But somebody has to do this work.
There is nobody else but us.
There is nothing in the world that is not this.
You big plan
You big purpose, you.
To transport from Boston, Massachusetts to Albany, New York.
Second largest tunnel in the world
Right here in the desolate wilderness
Etched out of stone via spark.
That’s big progress they said
That's some big innovation.
And I understand that, I do
A man could lay down his life for a project like that
And many did, I did.
But you, at the top, with your wallet and your big dreams, you never had to face it:
The decline into the pit
Through the dirt shaft
Watching the light become as small as the head of a thumbtack,
And then nothing at all.
But I did
So I can say it:
You'd be lucky if you were killed on impact.
If you were spared the moment you realized you were dying,
If you went out like a flame blown to curling smoke.
You see, there are things much worse than a switch flipped.
You could have spent your last moments trapped in her stone stomach.
All alone.
In the dark.